Michelle Pfister
Michelle Pfister

A story told by


Start Up Nights - we tested our visioneur's individual #entreprenaura

For the Start Up Nights we developed an AR filter for you to test your #Entreprenaura

ZHAW Visioneur Image Story Thumbnail
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#entreprenauras on fire part 1
#entreprenauras on fire part 2

We loved to meet you all in person and to take your pictures and see how each #entreprenaura is so unique & different, but still they all have a passion, motivation and definitely a enthusiastic aura in common! 

Follow us on Instagram and check out the #reel with these pictures!

Also feel free to try out the filter and tag us in your story! The filter is called "Entreprenaura ZHAW" by visioneur.ch.

'Aura' is what one reflects in the heart, what you bring into the world, and what people want to learn from you.


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