Mélanie Binggeli
Mélanie Binggeli

A story told by


ZHAW Sustainability Booster: Join us in building sustainable startups!

The ZHAW Sustainability Booster helps you to build your own sustainable startup, to find teammates or to find an idea you can contribute to.

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For the ZHAW Sustainability Booster, the ZHAW Center for Entrepreneurship built a comprehensive range of support services designed to empower sustainability focused innovators.  

Targeted workshops: Learn practical skills tailored to sustainable start-ups from experienced founders, startup lawyers and impact investors

1:1 coaching: Get access to expert guidance

Startup safaris: Visit sustainable startups and companies

Networking apéros: Connect with likeminded people and meet potential partners

Pitching events: Present your project at the pitching event and win prizes up to 2’000 CHF + 6 months participation in the RUNWAY Startup Incubator + participation in a sustainability conference for your team

Whether you have an existing startup, a fresh idea or simply a desire to support projects, our sustainability booster has something valuable to offer.


Ready for one more inspiring story?

Check out what other entrepreneurs have experienced.

Pitching Festival 1.0


Startup Night 2023

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