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the DIZH is a beacon of innovation, fostering collaboration, and promoting digital transformation in higher education. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a researcher, or an educator, the DIZH offers a wealth of opportunities to engage with digitalization and contribute to shaping the future of our digital world.

In the heart of Zurich, a hub of research and business, lies aninitiative that is transforming the landscape of digitalization in highereducation. The Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher EducationInstitutions (DIZH) is a collaborative effort that aims to strengthen thegreater Zurich area as a center for research and business.

About DIZH

The DIZH is led by representatives from partner universities andcomprises various governing bodies, including the Steering Committee andManagement Board, consultative bodies such as the Plenary Assembly, InnovationPanel, and Coordination Committee for Education Promotion, as well as theOffice. The Office is responsible for the operational implementation of DIZH.

DIZH is committed to enhancing the competitiveness of the Canton ofZurich as a research and development location. It supports the economy andsociety in recognizing and profitably utilizing the opportunities ofdigitalization for Zurich.

The DIZH includes a research cluster that focuses on interdisciplinaryand cross-university research in the field of digital transformation. Thiscluster provides a platform for researchers to collaborate and innovate,pushing the boundaries of digital transformation research.

Innovation Program

The DIZH also features an Innovation Program, which provides informationabout the calls and the funded projects. This program is designed to fosterinnovation and encourage the development of groundbreaking digital solutions.

Education Promotion Program

Lastly, the DIZH offers an Education Promotion Program that enablesinnovative developments in teaching, education, and digitalization. Thisprogram is aimed at equipping the future generation with the necessary skillsand knowledge to navigate the digital world.

Engaging withDIZH

DIZH not only provides a platform for research and innovation but alsoengages with the community through its podcast “Schampar digital”. In this podcast,experts from the University of Zurich, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Zurich University of the Arts, and Zurich University of Teacher Education discuss current research and the future. Listeners can gain insights into the opportunities and risks of digital transformation in an entertaining and understandable way.

ZHAW entrepreneurship
ZHAW entrepreneurship

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