Lake Week 2024

At the "Lake Week", the ZHAW in Wädenswil presented socially relevant topics from the fields of environment, food and health. Get inspired, learn, experience and connect!

Aspiring food technologist, participating in Lake Week was an exciting experience that broadened my understanding of the food landscape. Engaging with topics such as planetary health diets, gastronomic innovations, and the rise of veganism, I not only gained invaluable knowledge but also established important connections with professionals both within and outside the food sector.

A standout moment was the "Startup Lunch," where I had the opportunity to sample fascinating vegan shrimp substitutes and delicious food-safe banana bread. In conversation with a representative from Catchfree, the manufacturer of the vegan shrimp substitutes, we exchanged thoughts on their product and brainstormed future possibilities in this ever-evolving field.

The networking events not only fueled my motivation but also highlighted the immense potential of the food industry and the collective impact we can achieve.

"I'm excited to see what new creative ideas and innovations will arise at the new Future of Food Campus in Wädenswil."

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