Community Guidelines

ZHAW entrepreneurships Slack community.


Participation in this Slack Channel is voluntary. Every interested user can register via the pink «I agree» button.


This Slack Channel is only intended to facilitate communication with stakeholders on the topic of entrepreneurship and innovation within and outside the ZHAW. It is strictly in addition to the curriculum, and is not mandatory in any form within ZHAW for participation in the program or events.


Sharing of internal or confidential documents, as well as personal data, is prohibited, and should be done through other channels. This applies to sensitive personal data (religious, ideological, political or trade union views, health data, etc.) as well as to general personal identification data (address, telephone number, etc.). It is therefore not mandatory to list one's full name in order to participate.

Submit your story

and inspire other entrepreneurs and thinkers:
*mandatory fields

Hi, tell us about you …

JPG with a 1:1 format.

Add some background infos for all the curious readers


Ok, let's hear your story

Keep it short. One sentence that stands out.

Now, spice up your story

One sentence that stands out.
Recommend: JPG with horizontal Format (3:2).
Recommend: JPG with horizontal Format (3:2).
Copy the whole URL.

Last one—promise

  • we do not tolerate any hateful or discriminating story content
  • we have the right to edit the content (correct typos)
  • in case of bigger changes regarding the content we will contact you
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