Hackathon Hospital at Home ZHAW Roche
This hackathon aims to explore innovative solutions for the "Hospital at Home" concept, integrating diagnostics and MedTech.
After this course you will have
This hackathon aims toexplore innovative solutions for the "Hospital at Home" concept,integrating diagnostics and MedTech. You will work in teams of approx. 5persons to develop innovative ideas and solutions addressing real-worldchallenges and opportunities in this area.Current issues in that area:
Inconsistent financing ofoutpatient and inpatient care
Lack of interoperabilitybetween treatment processes and the IT systems used
Shortage of skilled labourin the healthcare professions (lab technicians, doctors, nurses)
Ensuring data protectionand information security vs. availability of data for studies, diagnosis &treatment
Big part of hospitaltreatment can be moved to home setting
High cost of stationary(approx CHF 1000/d)
Informed patient and activerole of patients
For more information checkthe flyer!
Course Programme
Pre-Reads &background informationWill be available on Landing Page in July
Case kick-off,presentation of the case owners, Wednesday, 18. September, in Rotkreuz 08:50Meeting at the reception, check-in 09:00 Hackathon Introduction &Presentations 11:00 Tour around campus 12:00 Lunch and
Wrap-up @Quadra LUNAPresentation of results in groups
Wednesday 02. October,in Rotkreuz 13.45 Meeting at the reception, check-in 14:00 - 16:00 Finalpresentations (10 min presentation & 5 min Q&A)afterwards price for Top3 (Voucher CHF 500.-/300.-/200.-) groups and Apéro
Application Deadline
The regular application deadline ends on: